Helpful Health News
Common Health Questions:
- People with COVID-19 have a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. You might experience:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Continue to follow the health guidelines:
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer if that isn’t an option (especially when in public places)
- Cough and sneeze into your sleeve
- Don’t touch your face
- Social distance
- What it means to social distance, self-isolate, and quarantine.
- The CDC recommends wearing non-medical masks to slow the spread of COVID-19. It is now required in Virginia.
- The New York Times (access to COVID-19 content is free) spoke with infectious disease experts, aerosol scientists, and microbiologists to find out if COVID-19 can land on your clothing, hair, shoes, and mail.
- Fairfax County Health Department
- To view the number of cases in Fairfax County this page is updated at noon daily.
- Visit the County site on COVID-19, Health Department Website, and see their FAQs.
- To view multilingual health materials visit the County’s Language Portal.
- Sign up for text message alerts: text FFXCOVID to 888777. Para inscribirse, textear FFXCOVIDESP a 888777.
- Call the Health Department from 9am-7pm weekdays and 9:30am-5pm on weekends: 703-267-3511
- Email: This account will be staffed Monday through Friday, 8am-8pm.
- Inova has a helpful FAQ.