PDF FLYER for Tenants, Employees and Residents of Westfields Center (Direct Download) You may also visit the WBOA Website at https://www.westfieldscenter.com/resources/documents-and-downloads/ to download the PDF public flyer
Exciting news – registration is open for our March self-defense class! And guess what? It's absolutely FREE, but here's the catch – you have to attend all four nights. The classes are on March 12, 14, 19, 21, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy (14601 Lee Road, Chantilly).…
As a commercial property owner and/or property manager or HOA Management Company or Representative to the WBOA in Westfields, I would like to invite you the Annual Meeting of the Owners and Board of Directors Meeting. Please join us and provide your RSVP so we have an accurate accounting of the representatives for quorum and voting…