• I am new to Westfields. What information should I know about the park and its management?

    Westfields, The International Corporate Center at Dulles, is comprised of approximately 1100 acres of multi-use commercial office, flex and retail space. As of 2010, an estimated 30,000 employees work in the park and at build-out, there will be a potential of 70,000 people working in Westfields. Common areas of the park are managed by the Westfields Business Owners Association (WBOA), and this Association also maintains the Covenants and Development Guidelines as set forth in the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions and the Development Guidelines.

  • Who maintains the park?

    The common areas of the park are maintained by The Westfields Business Owners Association (WBOA) which is managed by The Keech Company, LLC and can be contacted at Phone #: 703-294-4912, Fax: 703-222-3488. The Association is responsible for day to day operations of the park to include landscaping and common area maintenance.  You may contact us via email using the contact form on this website.ew FAQ : Answer

  • How is Westfields maintained?

    For the common areas of the park, the WBOA contracts with a landscaping company who provides mowing, tree services, trash pick-up, landscaping and other services as needed. Irrigation services, including repairs, are also provided through a subcontractor.

  • Who is responsible for snow removal on the roads within Westfields?

    The main streets through Westfields belong to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). VDOT is responsible for snow removal on these streets. Individual properties and buildings, their property management companies are responsible for snow removal on their property. Please note there are several properties that have roads that run between them. In most cases, these are “shared” private roads and is the responsibility of both property owners to share the burden of snow removal.

    The WBOA will notify VDOT on behalf of the park when we see an unreasonable response to treating and clearing the roads.   It always helpful if the owners and property managers call VDOT’s snow line as well.

    VDOT’s number for Snow Removal issues please use this number: (1-800-367-7623)

    There is also a new online tool by VDOT to see that status of the roads during snow events. You may access this at http://novasnowplowing.virginia.gov

    Additional information on how VDOT prioritizes road clearing and treatment during a storm can be found in their PDF “VDOT SNOW FACT SHEET” located at: http://www.virginiadot.org/about/resources/nova_snow/snow_fact_sheet.pdf

    Please also reference the WBOA Website for updated information regarding the park at http://www.westfieldscenter.com.

    Please contact our office for clarification at 703-294-4912

  • When is the Annual Meeting of Members and Board of Directors?

    The Annual Meeting of Members is typically held in late February or March. The Board of Directors meets immediately following the annual meeting and all owners are invited to attend that meeting as well. The Board approves the budget for the year and elects its officers.

  • Can I fish in the ponds in Westfields?

    Fishing is strictly prohibited on all the ponds in Westfields except for the pond located at the The Preserve at Westfields.  This is for residence only and must follow HOA guidelines.  Please do not feed the geese or other water fowl.

  • How do I report a problem or deficiency?

    The common areas of the park are maintained by The Westfields Business Owners Association (WBOA) which is managed by The Keech Company, LLC and can be contacted at Phone #: 703-294-4912. The Association is responsible for day to day operations of the park to include landscaping and common area maintenance.  You may contact us via email using the contact form on this website.


  • What do I need to know before planning a project in Westfields?

    Understanding the current zoning as well as the design criteria as set forth in the WBOA covenants and development guidelines. This will be a source of valuable information. Also become familiar with the easements that are within the park and available FAR allowed on your parcel.

    You will need to make two project submissions to the WBOA (Architectural Review Board) ARB for review and comment by the board before any construction shall take place. There are associated fees for submissions. A copy of the ARB Submittal Fact Sheet is available for download on this site. Please see the covenants and development guidelines for your preliminary and final submission criteria to the WBOA-ARB.

    Please consider discussing your ideas with the WBOA before proceeding forward.  Many time we can help you understand what will and will not be allowed before investing a lot of time and money.  We are here to help you succeed and become part of this growing community.

  • What is the WBOA ARB

    The WBOA Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews all submittals for new construction and redevelopment, modifications to properties, renovations, roof-top equipment, signage and lighting, and other items. In addition to all County and Virginia permits and approvals, owners must have a final approval from the ARB before any work can begin. In cases where the ARB has not received a submittal ahead of time, the property owner(s) is contacted and steps are taken to resolve the oversight. Any violations of the Covenants that are reported to or noticed by the WBOA are handled promptly and on a case-by-case basis.

  • Can I just change my land to residential use?

    No. Even though the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan was changed in 2019 for land unit J (Westfields), a land owner must seek the declarant (Westfields Board of Directors) approval for a land use change prior to any further development actions. The site will be evaluated on it own merit and how it supports the overall Westfields experience and master plan. As the park started out as commercial office park, there are areas within the park that may or may not work for residential. There is no guarantee of a WBOA Board change of use approval. It is best to contact the WBOA in advance when considering a land use change.


  • I understand that before I can make any changes or add anything to the outside of my property, I need to seek the WBOA/ARB approval. How do I do this and what do I need to know?

    Please reference the “ARB Submittal Fact Sheet” under Documents and Downloads on this website




  • How long will it take to review the changes I wish to make to my property?

    If you are a commercial property (Retail, Office Building, Apartment Building) owner, you will submit your changes according to the WBOA ARB Review Guidelines.   You must have all of the requested information in the submittal package as well as payment before the review will commence.  Failure to have a complete package or required documents for review will delay your review.  There are two reviews:  The Preliminary Submittal and the Final Submittal.  Each submittal can take thirty days. The WBOA ARB has thirty days once they are in possession of a complete package and proof of payment.  Wherever possible we strive to expedite the process where we can but for planning purposes, you should expect thirty days for each submittal. Note: Larger more complicated developments may take longer.  We ask that all owners discuss your thoughts and ideas with the WBOA and ARB prior to seeking approval from Fairfax County.  Come talk to us and we can help you and make sure we are all on the same page before you go too far in your design and planning efforts.

  • I would like to add or modify an existing tenant sign on my building or change the monument sign. What do I need to do with the Association for approval?

    You need to submit your sign plan to the WBOA ARB for review and approval.  Typically this can be done in one submittal vs. the required two submittals.   Be sure to include the dimensions of your sign and how it appears on the building at night and day.  A view of how it appears from the street.  Will it be lit?  There must be at least 12″ of clear space above and below a building mounted sign and should be in scale with the parapet wall.   See:   pdfWBOA ARB SUBMITTAL FACT SHEET (168 KB)


  • Can I just change my land to residential use?

    No. Even though the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan was changed in 2019 for land unit J (Westfields), a land owner must seek the declarant (Westfields Board of Directors) approval for a land use change prior to any further development actions. The site will be evaluated on it own merit and how it supports the overall Westfields experience and master plan. As the park started out as commercial office park, there are areas within the park that may or may not work for residential. There is no guarantee of a WBOA Board change of use approval. It is best to contact the WBOA in advance when considering a land use change.


  • Can I start work on a building project before getting approval by the WBOA/ARB?

    No. The Westfields Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions including the Development Guidelines prohibit any work prior to an approval by the ARB.

  • Can I just change my land to residential use?

    No. Even though the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan was changed in 2019 for land unit J (Westfields), a land owner must seek the declarant (Westfields Board of Directors) approval for a land use change prior to any further development actions. The site will be evaluated on it own merit and how it supports the overall Westfields experience and master plan. As the park started out as commercial office park, there are areas within the park that may or may not work for residential. There is no guarantee of a WBOA Board change of use approval. It is best to contact the WBOA in advance when considering a land use change.

  • How can I be assured that the Declarations of Protective Covenants and Restrictions and the Development Guidelines will be upheld?

    The WBOA Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews all submittals for new construction and redevelopment, modifications to properties, renovations, roof-top equipment, signage and lighting, and other items. In addition to all County and Virginia permits and approvals, owners must have a final approval from the ARB before any work can begin. In cases where the ARB has not received a submittal ahead of time, the property owner(s) is contacted and steps are taken to resolve the oversight. Any violations of the Covenants that are reported to or noticed by the WBOA are handled promptly and on a case-by-case basis.

  • I do not have a copy of the Association Documents. Where can I get these?

    Sets of the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions and the Development Guidelines are available for download to registered users of this site.  You may also contact our office using the contact form to request a copy.  You must be a property owner, legal agent or property management company representing the owner to receive a digital copy for your review and record.


  • How will I know what to pay for our assessments?

    Assessments are based on a pro-rata share determined by the acreage of each parcel within the park and whether or not the acreage is considered developed or undeveloped. Following the Annual Meeting of Members and Board of Directors Meeting, the WBOA reviews the approved budget, makes any necessary adjustments to dues, rebates, and assessments, and will mail invoices to the owners on file for each parcel within the park. A copy is sent to the property management company if applicable. Please note: We need to have updated property ownership and management information on file so we can maintain important communications.

  • Since my company plans its budget in advance, how can I estimate assessments for my property(s) in Westfields?

    Generally, one can expect the dues to increase 3-6% from year to year. At times, however, a special assessment may be required as determined by the Board of Directors. We try to budget with consideration of the economic and business impacts of the current economy.

  • When must assessments be paid?

    All payments are due 30 days after the invoice date. Finance fees will be assessed for late payments according to the WBOA covenants. Invoices are sent out in the March/April timeframe following the Annual Meeting.

  • How does the WBOA make use of the assessments and fees?

    Fees collected are used to cover all the items within the budget some of which are landscaping, irrigation, and maintenance of all common areas, repairs of common areas (storm damage, irrigation system, turf, etc.) stormwater management, community participation (Community Engagement Committee), administrative and legal fees.


  • Who is responsible for maintenance and pothole repair of the roads in Westfields?

    he majority of the roads in Westfields are maintained by the State of Virginia.  Northridge Drive and part of Weststone Plaza Drive and Meadow Wood Lane are the only private roads that the WBOA assist in maintaining.

    Private “shared access” roads between properties are the responsibility of the adjoining property owners.  Typically this is governed by a “Shared Ingress/Egress Agreement”.


  • What are stormwater ponds?

    Stormwater ponds are man-made collection ponds for storm water runoff from your site, parking lot, building site, etc. These ponds collect sediment and reduce the amount of harmful material flowing into our rivers, streams and our regional watershed. WBOA manages 10 stormwater ponds located throughout Westfields. Each pond has a stormwater management agreement that runs with the land that determines your pro-rata share available to you for stormwater management. Please review your stormwater management agreement to make sure your information is correct. Any changes should be forward to the WBOA offices.

  • What does the Association manage on these ponds?

    The WBOA manages the following with regards to storm water ponds:

    • – Remove trash and debris from the ponds
    • – Control aquatic weeds and algae so the pond will function appropriately
    • – Monthly inspections by storm water maintenance professional to check outfalls , inflows and general function of the pond.
    • – Make sure there are no hazardous materials coming into the storm water system and treat ponds to keep appropriate water quality for fish, aquatic animals and appropriate aquatic plants.
    • – Visually inspect emergency spill ways
    • – Assist in keeping shrubs and vegetations from growing on the dam
    • – If the pond has a fountain:  We maintain the fountain and electrical service as well as pay for the electricity.
    • – Respond to County or State mandated pond inspections and any requested repairs. (Typically done every three years)
    • – Keep outflows clear and repair rip rap as needed.
    • – Trim select area around ponds that abuts common areas.
    • – Keep wild geese out of the ponds.


  • What is the Community Involvement Committee?

    The CEC as it is known to the community is a separate committee set up by the WBOA to perform community outreach efforts and programs primarily within the park and surrounding communities. The committee is made up of tenants, property managers/owners and other citizens of the park. The CEC is also responsible for the annual “Taste of Westfields” annual events as well as other community events and programs throughout the year.  We encourage tenants to get involved and help make this park and community an exciting and friendly place to work. Please call the WBOA office at 703-294-4912 for more information.


  • How to Contact the Association (WBOA)

    You may contact the WBOA at:

    WBOA P.O. Box 222005 Chantilly, VA 20153-2005

    Phone: 703-294-4912

    Fax: 703-222-3488

    Emergency #: 703-294-4912

    William H. Keech Jr., serves as President of the Association.

    In addition, you may use the contact form located on this website to communicate with the WBOA.

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