The Westfields Community Service Scholarship

The Westfields Business Owners Association, its owners, members, companies, and the Community Involvement Committee is pleased to be able to provide the opportunity for scholastic advancement by means of the Westfields Community Service Scholarships. 

The Westfields Corporate Center is home to some of the region's most prominent corporations, government agencies and entrepreneurial small businesses as well as some of the largest and most respected commercial real estate companies in the country.  This 25,000 employees' strong business community is represented by the Westfields Business Owners Association and its Community Involvement Committee (CIC).  The dedicated volunteers of this committee have embraced our partnership with Westfields High School and the surrounding community and are very proud to offer this opportunity to deserving students and families. The CIC is dedicated to providing activities, communications, community service and friendship within the Westfields International Corporate Center and surrounding community.

The WBOA is seeking applications for three scholarships to be awarded at year's end. The purpose of this scholarship is to give recognition to deserving teenagers for their academic achievements, citizenship, service to their school and community and leadership. 

The student must be a Westfield High School or Chantilly High School senior OR be a senior in high school who either works in Westfields or has a parent or legal guardian who works live in the Westfields Center.

Requirements for application include, 1) cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher, 2) completed scholarship application, 3) copy of most recent transcripts, 4) two recommendations-one recommendation from a teacher, coach, activity advisor or school administrator and one from someone whom you interact within the community. 

Scholarship winners will be awarded a check for the sum of $1,500.00 each, payable to the school of their choice, to go towards the cost of tuition.  Scholarship winners will be notified by May and early June of the application year.

2025 Application is now open

The deadline for 2025 submissions is April 26th 2025.

The application this year will only be available online.  Please use the link below to complete the application.  If you have a counselor who requests to provide information directly to the review committee, please use the 3rd Party submittal form link below. 

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