Planning Efforts Time Line - Westfields
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Meeting - May 7th, 2019 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Watch Video:
Outcome: Approval
Board Summary:
County Final Adopted Text:
Fairfax County Board of Supervisor's approves Land Unit J comprehensive plan amendment.
Fairfax County Planning Commission Meeting - April 24th, 2019
Watch Video:
Outcome: Vote of 5 - No, 4 -Yes, 2 Abstain (Adoption Failed)
Moves to a Board of Supervisors Hearing on May 7th with a follow-on motion to have the BOD evaluate the new draft MWAA noise overlay.
Scheduled Land Unit J- Fairfax County Planning Commission Meeting April 3rd, 2019: Action Deferred to April 24th, 2019
Revised Draft Plan Text:
Watch Video:
Outcome: Deferred to April 24th, 2019
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors MWAA Briefing- March 26th, 2019
Chairman Sharon Bulova called a meeting for a briefing my MWAA. This was part of the reason the Planning Commission deferred this case for a second time.
Link to Meeting Notice/ Agenda:
Watch Video:
Fairfax County Planning Commission Meeting March 6th - Action Deferred to April 3rd, 2019
Fairfax County Planning Commission Meeting February 27th, 2019 -Action Deferred to March 6th 2019
County Plan Amendment submitted to Fairfax County Planning Commission for Consideration February 13th, 2019 - Rescheduled to 2/27/2019
Recommended Land Unit J - Initial Draft Plan Amendment
This is the Fairfax County draft plan amendment language (text) that was the outcome of the Land Unit J Task Force. The County Staff will present this to the Fairfax County Planning Commission. The County Staff does approve of this draft language. A Link to the initial text here.
Note: As part of the public hearing process this language may be changed as an outcome of the public hearing process either from County Staff, Planning Commissioners, public input and testimony, etc.
Presentation to Sully District Land Use Coucil January 28, 2019
WBOA presented to Sully District Land Use Council in January 2019
WBOA Presentation:
Land Unit J Task Force 2018-2019

Land Unit J Study
The Sully District Supervisor submitted a request to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to consider a study of all of Land Unit J. The Board of Supervisors approved this effort and the Sully Supervisor created the Land Unit J Tasks Force. This Task Force created from citizens from within and around the Land Unit J and with the help of Fairfax County Staff created and supported draft language that could potentially guide Land Unit J to meeting some of its objectives in becoming a mixed used vibrant center focused around a three village concept.
County Website:
WBOA Presentations:
October 29th, 2018:
December 11th, 2018:
Outcome: Task Force and County Staff created draft plan language that incorporated the comments and concerns and vision that would potentially help Land Unit J in it vision to create a mixed use vibrant center.
Dulles Suburban Center Study 2016-2018
Westfields (WBOA) submits the outcome of the ULI Study to be considered in the Dulles Suburban Center Study. Due to study restrictions on noise overlays in this area, the study would only consider a small portion of area on the east side of the park. Only looking at this small portion of a master planned community did not make sense from good planning practices and the WBOA pulled our application out of this process. A recommendation from the Dulles Suburban Center Study to look at Westfields in its entirety was supported.
County Website for Study:
Presentation by WBOA:
Outcome: WBOA withdrew it submittal due to the constraints of the study to only look at land outside the noise overlays. This restricted the study to look at a very small portion of property on the east side of the park. As Westfields is a master planned 1100 acre park it did not make sense to plan for such a small area when we are trying to achieve flexibility in land use planning for all of Westfields. The DSCAS committee did recommend having Westfields looked at in more detail. This led to he Sully Supervisor requesting a motion at the Fairfax County Board to create the Land Unit J Task Force.
Westfields ULI Study 2015-2016
Westfields Board of Directors pursues outside 3rd party to review and recommend a strategic path to insure Westfields future and to help retain and attract new companies and employees. In an overall effort to protect and grow property values in the park and transition from a suburban office park to a new vibrant center.
Link to Report: