What's Next for Westfields?
The Westfields Corporate Center is undergoing a very positive and significant change to improve and grow property values while creating a more vibrant Work, Live, Stay and Play community. For over 30 years, the Westfields International Corporate Center has positioned itself as one of the premier, Class "A" corporate communities in the nation. While the vision established back in the early eighties endured with much success, the environment for suburban corporate parks has been changing. Many suburban office parks throughout the region and country are facing the realities of a changing work environment, work trends as well as demographic shifts that have created the desire and need to update the current vision for Westfields. The Westfields Board of Directors has taken several steps this over the past two years to facilitate this positive change:
- Updated the Westfields Covenants to allow residential development into appropriate parcels within Westfields and provide the Board of Directors the additional powers previously reserved to the Declarant to improve the future of Westfields. (Known as the "7th and 8th Amendment") This was passed with over 65% of the ownership in late 2016.
- Engaged the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to perform a Technical Assistance Panel study of Westfields to assist in creating a strategic vision for the next decade of growth. This was held on December 5th and 6th 2016. (A copy of the final report: WESTFIELDS ULI STUDY). The WBOA Board was pleased with the final report and support the majority of the recommendations. The effort to transform Westfields continues through the Dulles Suburban Center Study as well as strategic planning by the Westfields Board and ARB for the next steps for Westfields.
- Submitted to the Fairfax County Dulles Suburban Center Study the request to consider the outcome of the Urban Land Institute Westfields Study in deciding the future land use directions for Westfields.
- As of early 2018, the Dulles Suburban Center Study was continuing to look only at one side of the park (East Side), the WBOA Board of Directors has chosen to remove Westfields (Land Unit J) from the study due to the restrictions that limit looking at Westfields as a whole master-planned community. The WBOA Board of Directors would like to thank the members of the Dulles Suburban Center Advisory Group, County Staff, and the Supervisor's office for their time and dedication to the comprehensive planning effort. The WBOA Board will continue to work with the County to pursue a more balanced approach and hopefully more supportive of the ULI Westfields Report. Update: Land Unit J deferred by Dulles Suburban Center for further Study. See the new 2018 Land Unit J (Westfields Area Study) and update below.
- WBOA Board of Directors directs WBOA to pursue an update to the 1983 Conceptual Master Plan of Westfields to clarify and build upon the recommendations by the ULI Report.
- Upon completion of the Dulles Suburban Center Study, the Board of Supervisors authorized consideration of a new Plan amendment for Land Unit J of the Dulles Suburban Center (the Westfields area), to consider new land uses for this area. A community task force has been convened to review these potential land-use changes. The first meeting will be on October 29, 2018, at Stone Middle School (5500 Sully Park Drive, Centreville, VA 20120), from 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. For more information about the plan amendment and the task force meeting schedule, please visit the project website at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/planning-zoning/plan-amendments/dsc-land-unit-j
- As of Mid March, the Planning Commission has deferred the decision on Land Unit J to April 3, 2019, to allow County Staff to respond to Planning Commission Members questions. Links to the Planning Commission Minutes can be found on the County website. Furthermore, the Chairman of the Fairfax Board of Supervisors has asked MWAA to brief the Board of Supervisors and planning commission members on March 26th on the latest airport growth figures and newly published draft noise overlays for this region. MWAA materials are available https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/boardofsupervisors/board-supervisors-briefing-metropolitan-washington-airports-authority-mwaa-march-26-2019. The WBOA will continue to work with our elected officials, planning commissioners, and county staff as well as MWAA to find a reasonable and equitable path forward.
- Finally, on May 7th, 2019, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a comprehensive land-use change for Land Unit J. Details of this approval are available in the timeline below.
- While a significant accomplishment for the future of Westfields, the introduction of residential development must be carefully evaluated as to how it evolves and fits into the master plan and future vision of Westfields.
- Property owners will need to seek the WBOA's Board of Directors approval for a change of use to residential prior to any further development steps . Please note the West side of Westfields is limited on where residential may be placed. It is best to discuss with the WBOA prior to engaging in the sale of the property with intent for residential development.
- There are no guarantees that a parcel can or will be changed for residential use.

Milestones: Link & Documents of Fairfax County Meetings (Text and Video)
Conceptual Master Plan for Westfields

Westfields Presentations and Studies
Westfields Studies and Presentations
- ULI-Presentation_Westfields_FINAL12.9.16
- Westfield-TAP-Report_FINAL
- WBOA Presentation to Land Unit J TaskF Oct 29_2018
- WBOA Presentation Land Unit J TaskF_Dec 11_2018
- WBOA Presentationto Sully District Land Use Jan 28_2019
- WBOA Presentation to Dulles Chamber April 9 2020